It’s Benn A Year To Remember

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We are coming up on 1 year since we all shutdown because of the pandemic. It’s been a year of emotions, up and downs.

Personally for me it’s been the greatest year! I believe I found my true self this year. I started to put myself and health first. I started to workout and eat a lot healthier. Yea I’ll still have snacks and soda but not near as much. The time I got to spend with my wife and my kids really opened up my eyes. I always found something to do that didn’t revolve around the news and constantly hearing the bad news in the world.

Of course we couldn’t go anywhere or do anything like go to the park or concerts but that didn’t stop me from living and enjoy life to my fullest.
I found a true passion with working out. It’s me time for 30 minutes to an hour. I can finally say I can do a regular push-up and not a modified push-up.

It’s easy being too easy being negative and finding something wrong. No matter what the day may bring, you should one positive and feed off of the positive energy.

It’s okay to be yourself, have your opinion and be happy with others are happy.

This past year taught me to focus on the important things only. No need for the extra nonsense.

Time to find what make YOU happy.